Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Womb Mates

Womb Mates

We used to womb together, but then I kicked you out

You kicked and screamed at first, then I stretched out

We came into this world together, small as we could be

We looked so much a like, but with different personalities

We grew up sharing everything, we were quite the pair

We were such a team you and I, but very hard to compare

Sometimes we would play, sometimes we would fight

Sometimes you were wrong, sometimes you were right

We hug, play, & laughed together, & feel each others pain

Even if we weren’t twins, I’d love you all the same


The best things come in pairs
Womb Mates
Internal intuition of each other
Never having to be alone
Sharing everything

More than just "WE"

More Than Just “We”
There has never been a “You and I”
It has always been a “We”
We used to try and fight it
Because we are as different as can be
It is always nice to have a best friend
We are so much alike and forever linked
Twice as many ideas and different views
Our style and personalities are distinct
I love my twin the most of anyone.
Sisters for Life, Best Friends Forever
I’m never alone, you are apart of me
One is good…two is much Better
We may share birthdays and looks
But we are more than just a “we”
Because I am me, and you are you
It’s just how things are meant to be